I’m Checking in!


It’s been a while since my last post. I needed to take a little more time for myself during this season of COVID to self-care and reset. Here’s a few things I want to share with you. 

First I want to say, I hope you and your family & friends are doing well. I know, the coronavirus has turned the world upside down. We’ve all had some loses and we have still had some victories. It’s been uncomfortable at some parts of it. Transformation isn’t usually pretty and when I think of how this year has been, this is truly a year of transformation on a Global scale. I know the world will come out better than before. I’m looking forward to experiencing the world when we get to the other side of this. 💜 

Check out this quick word of encouragement below:


Sooooo, what’s been going on with me? I had been working from home since shelter in place until I got laid off my job at the end of July. You may or may not know that I worked at Navy Pier in Chicago on the Arts, Culture & Engagement team, full time as the Administrative Coordinator. For almost  two and a half years I helped to activate one of Chicago’s best attractions by helping to curate cultural programming and bringing some of Chicago’s most talented artists to perform at our events. I loved being able to work in the production side of the Arts and Entertainment & the Tourism industries, while also working as a Singer/Artist and Actress.  

Now the coronavirus has affected all areas of life, my industry was one of those shut down first and unfortunately will most likely be the last to recover. This makes me sad for various reasons (that will take a whole several pages to write). What keeps me moving forward is knowing that there is still work being done. There is a lot of planning, creating and reimagining happening in this sector on both an individual and organizational level, and a personal level for me. It has reaffirmed my perspective that the Arts industry is the Heart of the world. I am thankful for those advocating for and with creatives and I stay faithful that the work is making progress.  

In July, I had become really weary. I was desperately in need of a vacation, a break, a hard stop. So when I got laid off I decided that I was going to take as much time as I needed to REST. I had really intended for it to last a couple weeks, but the more I rested the more I knew that two weeks was not enough. I had been going nonstop since January 3rd and I deserved more care, more time, more space to breathe and do whatever I wanted! My rest was So productive. I got really focused on putting myself first and disrupting some habits. I realized that some of my strong suits were no longer allowing me to feel freedom and that needed to change. 

I am now in a very peaceful place. Actually I’ve been this way since the start of the lay-off. Working from home allowed me the space I needed to align with the universe and find balance. Being laid off allowed me the space and time to turn up on achieving balance and harmony through a stronger self-care routine. I feel the healthiest I’ve ever been and for that I am So thankful! 

I could write you updates for days but I’ve got a few things I aim to get done today and I wanted this to be a quick check in. I’ve now started my planning season- flushing out some big ideas that have occurred for me since March. Now that I’m really rested I’m ready to get to work! Stay tuned, okay?? 

Before I go: 

  • I’ve spent some time updating my LinkedIn profile. I’d love to connect with you there. If I feel inspired I’d love for you to write me a recommendation if we have worked together or if you have attended any of my shows, or enjoy my music, emails and posts!
  • I do post mostly on social media, Instagram is my favorite. I’ve made a few posts about what I’ve been up to that I’d love for you to check out! @lynnsolar


Special thanks to my Creative Cypher family for the spotlight this summer! Check it out here and let me know what you think! 

Lynn Solar Creative Cypher

Powerfully yours,  
-Lynn 💥

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